All proceeds of this year’s altar will go to SEAS’s St. Vincent de Paul. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
A St. Joseph Altar is an offering of Love, Labor and Sacrifice in honor of the Parton Saint of the Sicilians and Universal Church.
According to legend, the St. Joseph Altar originated in Sicily, many centuries ago during a period of drought and famine. In desperation the people turned to St, Joseph asking his help and intercession. When the rains came and the crops prospered, their prayers were answered. In thanksgiving, the community made offerings to St. Joseph of their most prized possession, FOOD!
In his honor, they erected a lovely altar with three levels to represent the Holy Trinity. They draped it simply and beautifully in white, adorned it with flowers. They then selected their finest grain, fruits, vegetables, seafood and wine and invited all the poor to share to their prayer and festivity.
The custom and devotion continue to this day. Each year, altars laden with food are prepared on or around March 19 th to celebrate St. Joseph’s Feast Day. Reasons for having the altars vary: to fulfill a promise; to give thanks for a favor granted, such as the safe return of a love one from the war; for healing the sick; for a happy family; for success in studies or business. It is also an opportunity for the prosperous to share with those less fortunate.