An Instituted Acolyte is appointed to assist the deacon and serve the priest in the celebration of the liturgy. For more infomation please refer to the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston website.
Altar Linen Volunteers wash and iron the linens we use for Mass: purificators, corporals and altar cloths.
Altar Servers assist the celebrant and deacon during Sunday Mass and at special liturgies by carrying out duties such as carrying the processional cross, holding candles, and assisting with the preparation of the altar. Serving as an altar server allows individuals to learn important skills such as teamwork, discipline, and attention to detail, which can have a positive impact on personal growth and character development.
Volunteers for Art and Environment come togehter during the liturgical seasons of Lent and Advent to help create an environment inside and outside the church that enhances prayer and worship.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) assist the celebrant with the distribution of the Precious Blood during Mass. Those who serve as EMHC's, have a special responsiblity and privilege to give witness to our faith in the Eucharist. First, by living in harmony and faithfulness to the Church and to the gospel in its fullness, and second by their manner of presenation, deportment and reverence.
The Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick and Homebound provides Eucharistic visitation to those unable to attend Mass, such as the homebound, hospice patients, nursing home residents, and those who are hospitalized. Individuals interested in joining this ministry must be trained as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Registered parishioners interested in becoming EMHCs must be 18 years or older, in full communion with the Catholic Church, have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion and must attend the training. Ministers are scheduled based on the Mass they regularly attend.
Readers proclaim the Word of God during the celebration of Mass. Registered parishioners interested in becoming a Reader must be 18 years or older, in full communion with the Catholic Church, have a clear speaking voice and must attend the training. Ministers are scheduled based on the Mass they regularly attend.
Sacristans make the necessary preparations for liturgical activities. Sacristans prepare and check that all vessels and resources are ready to meet the needs of the liturgy so that the liturgy is conducted as planned and the assembly may reverently, without interruption, worship, praise and invite God’s presence into their lives. Sacristans are needed for both daily and weekend Masses.
Registered parishioners interested in becoming a Sacristan must be 18 years or older, in full communion with the Catholic Church and must attend the training.
Ushers and Greeters are crucial to making the experience of Church welcoming and hospitable. These ministers greet, assist in seating, take up the collection, distribute Mass aids and bulletins and respond to the needs of established and new parishioners and visitors. Ministers are scheduled based on the Mass they regularly attend.