The purpose of Helping Hands is to support our SEAS community members prior to a death or at the time of death. This is done in various ways.
FUNERAL PRE-PLANNING: Upon request, a volunteer meets with an individual and provides basic information about nearby funeral homes and cemeteries and assists the individual in completing a form stating their wishes at the time of death. Catholic teaching is reviewed relative to cremation and burial. Scripture and music selections can also be completed with the volunteer. Copies of the completed form are made and given to the individual, the SEAS secretary and the Helping Hands volunteer.
SUPPORT WHEN A FUNERAL IS BEING PLANNED: If desired by the priest celebrant of a funeral, a Helping Hands volunteer meets with the family of the deceased and helps them select the Scripture readings and music for the upcoming funeral. The family members are asked to share significant information about the deceased and that information is given to the celebrant along with the Scripture choices. The Helping Hands volunteer attends the funeral to be a support for the family, to instruct the readers for the various Scriptures that the family selected and to interface with the funeral home personnel in attendance at the funeral. The volunteer is familiar with what is permissible at a funeral at SEAS and helps to enforce those standards.
PROVIDING FUNERAL LUNCHEONS: If a parishioner's family desires a luncheon after the funeral/burial of a loved one and if space is available on campus, Helping Hands volunteers provide food. A set menu is offered, the space is decorated and prepared and the food is presented in an attractive manner by volunteers. If space is not available for a luncheon, Helping Hands will provide food for the family. In that event, the food is ready for pick-up at the parish office by a family member the morning of the funeral and can then be enjoyed at another location of the family's choosing (i.e. home, rec center, etc.). LUNCHEONS ON-SITE OR FOOD FOR A FAMILY ARE PROVIDED ONLY TO PARISHIONERS.
PROVIDING GRIEF SUPPORT: At the time of the funeral, the family is given CareNotes that are specific to their individual needs. Sample topics include loss of a wife/husband, loss of a parent, talking with kids about a death, living alone after the death of a spouse, losing a brother or sister, etc. Some titles are available in Spanish and are provided when needed. In addition, a card of condolence is sent shortly after the funeral, at the first Christmas after the death (along with a CareNote with practical suggestions) and at the one-year anniversary of the death (along with another practical CareNotes). If a Helping Hands volunteer does not attend the funeral and is not able to give the CareNotes to the family personally, the Carenotes are mailed to them.
ALL SOULS' RECEPTIONS: The families of those who have been buried from SEAS since November 1 of the preceding year are sent a hand-written invitation for a reception in the Community Life Center after the 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM Masses on November 2. The families are given the opportunity to display a photo of their loved one at the reception, simple refreshments are served and those in attendance are encouraged to share with one another about their loved ones. There are several Helping Hands volunteers on hand to facilitate that process and the families are given a brief encouraging message of hope. A representative from Grief Share is also in attendance to invite attendees to their helpful sessions.
BRUNCH AFTER THE FOOTWASHING ON HOLY THURSDAY: On Holy Thursday morning every year, a group of parishioners has their feet washed by Fr. Reynolds in the CLC. There is an accompanying prayer service. Following the footwashing, Helping Hands hosts a brunch with food provided by the parish for those in attendance.
There are no regular meetings outside of the times that the services are provided for families (e.g. preparing the CLC or FLC for a funeral luncheon, hosting the All Souls' Day receptions, attending a funeral, etc.).
Volunteers can provide a food item for an on-site or home luncheon; keep track of volunteers and current contact information; call/text volunteers to provide food; prepare food for a luncheon, prepare the luncheon site, be available to serve the family in attendance and clean up after the luncheon; purchase and get reimbursed for the few food items that are not donated; send cards of condolence and Carenotes to the families; host the All Souls' Day receptions; host the brunch on Holy Thursday; handwrite and address the invitations for the All Souls' Day receptions.
Contact Beth Wood and explore how you would like to be involved in this ministry. Many of our volunteers became interested because they have been touched by this ministry themselves or one similar in another parish.
Beth Wood: 281-413-9682