The Charismatic Paryer Group consists of individules who come togehter to grow in their knowledge and love of God as well as to praise God for all that He has done. The prayer meeting has been a place where many, people have found a new dimension to their spiritual lives, and have discovered the love of God in a more profound way. The gathering starts with praise and worship followed by a teaching and ending with Intercessary prayers.
The Charismatic Prayer Group meets almost every Friday from 7:30pm until 9:00pm. All regardless of age are welcome to attend. Email us and we will add you to our weekly eblast. Every Thursday you will receive an email announcing the meeting location and the topic for the evening presentation. Then if you are able to attend that week, you simply show up to the meeting.
Upcoming Presentations
September 13 - Praise & Worship
September 20 - Eucharistic Congress
September 27 - Benediction/Adoration
October 4 - The Rosary
October 11 - St. Francis of Assisi